Thursday, April 28, 2011


December 31 1600 Queen Elizabeth I signed a royal Charter. This Royal Charter allowed English business men to establish a monopoly on trade with Asia. The company was also known as, the Company of Merchants of London Trading. From 1708-1873 the Royal Charter became the United Company of Merchants. In 1708 United Company of Merchants became the official British trading unit. The East India formed from the two rival companies combining their resources together to form the most powerful company the world has ever seen.  In 1757 the company took control of Bengal, this prompted the British government to establish regulatory board that reported directly to Parliament. Before the year of 1773 share holders made all rules and policies.  However this was a corrupted system, shareholders are given more shares to go along with the company decisions.  Regulating Act of 1773 arose, soon after the India Act of 1784 established by Parliament to carefully watch the company. Gaining political control, by the year of 1813 the long standing monopoly en. Between the years of 1857-1873 following the Indian Mutiny the company was broken down and the British Government took control of India, this officially made it a colony.

The perspective of the source was completely unbiased.  throughout the piece I could not find evidence of it being persuasive, on the contrary I found it to be informative. In the last paragraph the author informs us of the argument between historians that it was England’s extreme nationalism and their national church that that gave them right to ignore trading agreements that were in place, by the Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch. This paragraph shows the author perspective, in a sense giving an excuse to the East India Company.       
The Author of this source is Michelle Brown, Nicole DeRosia, Amber Matheson, and Paul Winterstein. They are students at the University of Michigan. I feel that they are a reliable source. The passage was published on a college website. Also The website appears to have been researched extensively

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